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Apr, 2023

Maximizing Your Success at Premier Soccer Tryouts: Tips and Tricks for Aspiring Players

It's that time of the year again. If you're an aspiring soccer player looking to take your skills to the next level, premier soccer tryouts are an excellent opportunity to showcase your abilities and potentially earn a spot on a high-level team. In this blog post, we'll explore what premier soccer tryouts are, what you can expect, some do's and don'ts to help you prepare.

What are Premier Soccer Tryouts?


Premier soccer teams are generally considered to be the highest level of competition outside of professional leagues. These teams are typically made up of the best youth players in a given area and compete against other premier teams from around the region or even the country.


Premier soccer tryouts are the process by which these teams select new players to add to their roster. Tryouts are typically held annually, before the start of the season, and are open to all players who meet the team's age and skill level requirements.

What to Expect at Premier Soccer Tryouts


Premier soccer tryouts are typically more intense and competitive than regular youth league tryouts. Coaches will be looking for players who demonstrate exceptional skills, athleticism, and game knowledge. 


Here are a few things you can expect at a premier soccer tryout:


  1. Physical Assessments: Coaches will likely test your speed, agility, endurance, and overall fitness level.
  2. Skills Evaluation: You'll be evaluated on your technical skills, including ball control, passing accuracy, shooting, and defending.
  3. Game Situations: Coaches will often simulate game situations to see how you perform under pressure and in a team setting.
  4. Attitude and Coachability: Coaches will also be looking for players who demonstrate a positive attitude, good sportsmanship, and a willingness to learn and improve.


Do's and Don'ts for Premier Soccer Tryouts


To give yourself the best chance of success at a premier soccer tryout, here are some do's and don'ts to keep in mind:



  1. Arrive Early: Arrive at the tryout location with plenty of time to spare so you have time to stretch, warm up, and mentally prepare.
  2. Dress Appropriately: Wear comfortable soccer gear, including cleats and shin guards. Bring plenty of water and a snack to keep you energized.
  3. Show Off Your Best Skills: Be confident and showcase your best skills. Don't hold back or be afraid to make mistakes.
  4. Stay Focused: Stay focused on the task at hand, and don't let distractions or nerves get the best of you.



  1. Be Late: Being late is a sign of disrespect and could hurt your chances of making the team.
  2. Show Poor Sportsmanship: Don't argue with coaches or other players, and don't celebrate excessively or show poor sportsmanship.
  3. Try to Do Too Much: Stick to what you know best and don't try to do too much. Coaches are looking for players who can execute simple plays effectively.
  4. Give Up: Even if you make mistakes or have a bad moment, don't give up. Keep pushing yourself and stay positive.


In Conclusion


Premier soccer tryouts are an excellent opportunity for aspiring soccer players to showcase their skills and potentially earn a spot on a high-level team. By following these do's and don'ts, you can give yourself the best chance of success. Remember to stay confident, stay focused, and above all, have fun!

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